Basic German Grammar Pdf
Whether you’re planning a trip to Germany or another German-speaking country, you’ve heard an unfamiliar German phrase and want to know what it means, or you just want to get into the spirit for your town’s annual Oktoberfest, knowing some basic German can give you the confidence you need. In the following articles, you can find basic German expressions, questions that let you gather information or ask for help, phrases to use when ordering from a menu, and German numbers and dates.
Basic Questions in German
How This Post Works. You might think the idea of “basic German grammar” is an oxymoron. After all, we’re talking about a culture that revels in explaining jokes and that came up with the expressions “There must be order” and “Why make it easy, when it can also be made complicated? Easy German Grammar for Beginners is the friendliest, most relaxed grammar course you've ever seen. Cut the boring grammar drills and say hello (and much more!) to native speakers. You'll Understand German. This course will guide you through every essential concept and structure that you need.
If you travel to a German-speaking country and need to know the time or where something is located, or you just want to get some basic information, a few common questions can come in very handy.
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English | German | Pronunciation |
Do you speak English? | Sprechen Sie Englisch? | shprêH-en zee êng-lish? |
How are you? | Wie geht es Ihnen? | vee geyt ês een-en? |
Would you help me please? | Würden Sie mir bitte helfen? | vuer-den zee meer bi-te hêl-fen? |
What’s your name? | Wie heißen Sie? | vee hays-en zee? |
What time is it? | Wie viel Uhr ist es? | vee feel oohr ist ês? |
What’s the weather like? | Wie ist das Wetter? | ee ist dâs vêt-er? |
How much does . . . cost? | Wie viel kostet . . .? | vee feel kos-tet…? |
Where do I find . . .? | Wo finde ich . . .? | voh fin-de iH…? |
Where are the bathrooms? | Wo sind die Toiletten? | voh zint dee toy-lêt-en? |
Do you have…? | Haben Sie…? | hah-ben zee…? |
Where is…? | Wo ist…? | voh ist…? |
Could you please talk more slowly? | Können Sie bitte langsamer sprechen? | kern-en zee bi-te lâng-zâm-er shprêH-en? |
Could you repeat that, please? | Können Sie das bitte wiederholen? | kern-en zee dâs bi-te vee-der-hoh-len? |
Useful German Expressions and Greetings
Practice these German greetings and expressions, which you’ll use daily when you visit a German-speaking country. With these expressions, you can communicate politely, feel more confident, and travel more comfortably.
English | German | Pronunciation |
Hello! | Hallo! | hâ-loh! (informal greeting) |
Good day! | Guten Tag! | gooh-ten tahk! |
Good evening! | Guten Abend! | gooh-ten ah-bent! |
Good-bye! | Auf Wiedersehen! | ouf vee-der-zey-en! |
Please./You’re welcome. | Bitte. | bi-te. |
Thank you. | Danke. | dân-ke. |
Excuse me. | Entschuldigung. | ênt-shool-dee-goong. |
My name is…. | Ich heiße…. | iH hays-e…. |
Pleased to meet you. | Freut mich. | froyt miH. |
German Phrases for Emergencies
German Grammar
If you’re traveling in a German-speaking country and find yourself in an urgent situation, you can get the assistance you need by memorizing these important German phrases.
The Updater fixes bugs throughout the product for both Macromedia Flash MX 2004 and Macromedia Flash MX Professional 2004. There are many bug fixes for both Macintosh and Windows platforms. Stability was the primary focus of this update: 34 crash bugs found and fixed! 7 lost/corrupt data bugs; 1 memory leak bug. Mar 31, 2007 But even then doing just that, Flash will crash if I click out of it (to desktop or another program) and click back into flash. I have a deadline fast coming! OS: Mac OS 10.3 to 10.4 (2 computers, same problem) Flash Mx 2004 Verision: 7.2 Thanks in advance to any help.Edit, I could cut & paste the crash report if that would help too. Mar 14, 2013 Flash MX 2004 Keeps Closing. This is a discussion on Flash MX 2004 Keeps Closing within the Graphic Design, Digital Imaging, and Multimedia forums, part of the Tech Support Forum category. I've been using flash MX 2004 for years, its always worked fine. Apr 24, 2013 Macromedia Flash MX 2004 7.0 crash Hi, We have some computers in our IT suite that keep crashing after macromedia MX 2004 7.0 has opened for a couple of seconds, I've had a look at the event viewer and it says. Macromedia flash mx 2004 crashing.
English | German | Pronunciation |
Help! | Hilfe! | hilf-e! |
Police! | Polizei! | po-li-tsay! |
Fire! | Feuer! | foy-er! |
Get a doctor! | Holen Sie einen Arzt! | hohl-en zee ayn-en ârtst! |
I am sick. | Ich bin krank. | iH bin krânk. |
I don’t know my way around here. | Ich kenne mich hier nicht aus. | iH kên-e miH heer niHt ous. |
The German Calendar
Getting to know the days and months of the German calendar helps you keep track of your travel plans, German holidays, and engagements.
English | German | Pronunciaton |
Monday | Montag | mohn-tahk |
Tuesday | Dienstag | deens-tahk |
Wednesday | Mittwoch | mit-voH |
Thursday | Donnerstag | don-ers-tahk |
Friday | Freitag | fray-tahk |
Saturday | Samstag / Sonnabend | zâms-tahk / zon-ah-bent) |
Sunday | Sonntag | zon-tahk |
English | German | Pronunciation |
January | Januar | yâ-noo-ahr |
February | Februar | fey-broo-ahr |
March | März | mêrts |
April | April | ah-pril |
May | Mai | may |
June | Juni | yooh-nee |
July | Juli | yooh-lee |
August | August | ou-goost |
September | September | zêp-têm-ber |
October | Oktober | ok-toh-ber |
November | November | no-vêm-ber |
December | Dezember | dey-tsêm-ber |
Ordering in a German Restaurant
If you go to a German restaurant, these expressions can come in very handy. Practice them first, so that you can relax and enjoy the dining experience.
English | German | Pronunciation |
The menu, please. | Die Speisekarte bitte. | dee shpay-ze kâr-te bi-te. |
I’d like…. | Ich hätte gern…. | iH hê-te gern…. |
I’d like…. | Ich möchte gern…. | iH merH-te gern…. |
Could you recommend something? | Könnten Sie etwas empfehlen? | kern-ten zee êt-vas êm-pfey-len? |
Another (beer) please. | Noch (ein Bier) bitte. | noH [ayn beer] bi-te. |
Excuse me. | Entschuldigen Sie bitte. | ênt-shool-dee-gen zee bi-te. |
The check, please. | Die Rechnung bitte. | dee rêH-noong bi-te. |
A receipt, please. | Eine Quittung bitte. | ayn-e kvi-toong bi-te. |
Enjoy your meal. | Guten Appetit. | gooh-ten âp-e-teet . |
German Numbers
When traveling in a German-speaking area, you need to know numbers for shopping, dining, transportation, and exchanging money. With this list, you can start practicing German numbers.
Basic German Grammar Rules
0 null (nool) | 17 siebzehn (zeep-tseyn) |
1 eins (ayns) | 18 achtzehn (âHt-tseyn) |
2 zwei (tsvay) | 19 neunzehn (noyn-tseyn) |
3 drei (dray) | 20 zwanzig (tsvân-tsîH) |
4 vier (feer) | 21 einundzwanzig (ayn-oont-tsvân-tsiH) |
5 fünf (fuenf) | 22 zweiundzwanzig (tsvay-oont tsvân-tsiH) |
6 sechs (zêks) | 30 dreißig (dray-siH) |
7 sieben (zee-ben) | 40 vierzig (feer-tsiH) |
8 acht (âHt) | 50 fünfzig (fuenf-tsiH) |
9 neun (noyn) | 60 sechzig (zêH-tsiH) |
10 zehn (tseyn) | 70 siebzig (zeep-tsiH) |
11 elf (êlf) | 80 achtzig (âHt-tsiH) |
12 zwölf (tsverlf) | 90 neunzig (noyn-tsiH) |
13 dreizehn (dray-tseyn) | 100 hundert (hoon-dert) |
14 vierzehn (feer-tseyn) | 200 zweihundert (tsvay-hoon-dert) |
15 fünfzehn (fuenf-tseyn) | 1000 tausend (tou-zent) |
16 sechzehn (zêH-tseyn) |