Autocad Structural Detailing Tutorial Pdf

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  1. Autocad Structural Detailing 2018 Tutorial Pdf

- [Paul] Are you working on a Revit architectural project and wondering if you still need to do construction details in AutoCAD? Or maybe you've heard that since Revit is a tool for building information modeling, or BIM, that you won't be doing any 2D detailing anymore. After all, isn't BIM supposed to be about working in 3D? And if I did want to draw a 2D detail in Revit, just how would I go about doing that anyway? If you've wondered any of these things, or other related questions you are not alone. Many folks struggle with the very same issues. Hi, my name is Paul F. Aubin. I'm an author and consultant specializing in Revit and related technologies for architectural firms and I'd like to welcome you to my course on the process of creating construction details in Revit. Yes, Revit is about BIM, and yes, 3D is a big part of BIM, but rest assured that 2D and detailing are also fundamental parts of BIM and are not going away any time soon. So if you want to learn when to model and when to detail, and how the Revit detailing tools work, then you've come to the right place. Let's jump right in and see how to create construction details as an integral part of your Revit building information models.


Autodesk is discontinuing AutoCAD Structural Detailing. This document provides common questions and answers about this transition.

The Preferences are located in AutoCAD’s Options dialog. The Structural Detailing tab lets you select the default start template and workspace name for the Steel module. The software has country‐specific templates defined (French ‐ RBCS‐033.dwt, English ‐. AutoCAD Structural Detailing - Steel - User Guide. View - a single drawing; it is always a document component - if it has been added to a printout, it is simultaneously a printout element.


Why is Autodesk discontinuing AutoCAD Structural Detailing?

Autodesk® AutoCAD® Structural Detailing software has been a solution for customers who needed to perform basic modeling and documentation to generate steel and rebar shop drawings as well as concrete modeling and general arrangement drawings. However, Autodesk is aggressively investing in new structural detailing solutions that support a wider range of modeling and documentation needs, while providing improved team collaboration and user productivity. Autodesk believes that these new solutions are better suited to meet the range of our global customer needs.

What alternate solutions does Autodesk offer for steel detailing workflows?

Autodesk® Advance Steel software supports more advanced structural modeling and detailing capabilities, and provides tools that help drive fabrication. This fills an important gap in the steel design to construction workflow. Advance Steel is built on the AutoCAD® platform, providing a familiar user interface, helping to support a faster, smoother transition from AutoCAD® products.

Key benefits of Advance Steel:

  • Integrates with Autodesk® Revit® and Autodesk® Navisworks® software products for building projects
  • Integrates with Autodesk® AutoCAD® Plant 3D software with object-enabler technology and Navisworks for industrial projects
  • Provides comprehensive modeling libraries of profiles and connection types
  • Highly customized for local steel standards including steel connection design
  • Helps reduce shop errors by producing NC & CNC files directly from the 3D model and connecting these models directly with leading MIS software.
  • Supports collaboration in a multi-user 3D model environment
  • Automatically updates and maintains revision control of documentation

What alternate solutions does Autodesk offer for concrete workflows, including rebar detailing?

Customers on Autodesk® Desktop Subscription or Maintenance Subscription can continue using their existing AutoCAD Structural Detailing licenses for rebar detailing. Autodesk also continues to develop 3D rebar detailing functionality within Revit products. Revit supports more advanced structural modeling and detailing capabilities, and provides tools that help drive fabrication.

Key benefits for rebar detailing in Revit:

  • Integrates with other disciplines using Revit and Navisworks software products for building projects
  • Integrates with Plant 3D software, Advance Steel software and Navisworks software products for industrial projects
  • Highly customized for local code standards by structural design code-check partners
  • Helps reduce shop and field errors by exporting CNC files directly from the 3D model to fabrication logistics (MIS) and field coordination software
  • Supports collaboration in a multi-user 3D model environment
  • Provides automatic updating and revision control of documentation

Is there a suggested migration path to other Autodesk solutions?

Customers using AutoCAD Structural Detailing for steel detailing can purchase a license of Advance Steel. Please contact your Autodesk reseller, or Autodesk directly at to learn more.

Autocad Structural Detailing Tutorial PdfAutocad Structural Detailing Tutorial Pdf

For rebar detailing, customers with Autodesk® Building Design Suite Premium or Ultimate licenses can access Revit within their suites. Building Design Suite Standard customers can purchase an upgrade to Building Design Suite Premium or Ultimate to get access to Revit.

Customers with Autodesk® Plant Design Suite Premium and Ultimate licenses can access Autodesk® Revit® Structure software within their suites. Customers with Plant Design Suite Standard can purchase an upgrade to Plant Design Suite Premium or Ultimate to get access to Revit Structure.

What training and support options are available to support the migration to detailing in Advance Steel or Revit?

Customers who purchase licenses through Autodesk reseller partners will have the option to purchase training and implementation services through their reseller.

Can I continue using AutoCAD Structural Detailing?

Customers who have current Maintenance Subscription and Desktop Subscription with Autodesk Building Design Suite Standard, Premium, and Ultimate or Autodesk Plant Design Suite Premium and Ultimate can access older versions of the suites, including AutoCAD Structural Detailing. Refer to the Previous Version Eligibility Lists for eligibility.

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Who can I contact with more questions?

If you have further questions, please contact your Autodesk sales or channel sales representative. You may also submit your question to or call +1-844-262-9170.

Autocad Structural Detailing 2018 Tutorial Pdf


AutoCAD Structural Detailing; Navisworks Products; Advance Steel; Revit Product Family;